hardware composition
1) The BIN (Background Identification of Normal) background ignores the technology
The technology can quickly detect a low level of artificial radioactive substances in the case of high radiation background, detection time up to 200 milliseconds, while allowing the vehicle to detect radioactive substances under rapid movement, suitable for rapid detection, and can ensure that the equipment will not be false alarm because of the background increase substantially; and can compensate for the vehicle space caused by natural ray screening background count reduction, increase the authenticity of the inspection results, improve the detection probability, especially for weak radioactive detection is very helpful;2) The NORM reject function
This function is used to identify and judge natural nuclide radioactive substances. Assist customers to eliminate the alarm is artificial radioactive material or natural radioactive material;3) Feature SIGMA statistical algorithm
Through the feature SIGMA algorithm, users can easily adjust the device detection sensitivity and the probability of false positives, can improve the sensitivity of the required detection of very weak radioactive sources (such as radioactive sources lost), or in the long-term online monitoring process to prevent the device false positives, so as to receive and release freely;4) the key technical indexes
Detector type: original plate plastic scintillator + Japan Hamamatsu low noise photomultiplier tube (1) Energy range: 20keV~3MeV (2) Sensitivity: 2,500 c p s / Sv / h (137Cs) (3) Lower detection: can detect radiation 20nSv/h(0.5R/h above background) (4) False positives rate: <0.01% (5) Assembly time: 5 mins (6) Alarm: The instrument design has high background low alarm and low count fault alarm (7) Detection mode: infrared reflection sensor (8) Display: the LCD LCD display, the instrument has the in-place display alarm and computer management functions, the display of the current count and the background high or low count indication (9) Impact resistance: three shock absorbers for impact and collision resistance (10) Operating temperature: -40℃ to + 50℃ (11) Power supply: 220V AC current (12) UPS uninterrupted power supply: continuous working continuously for 7 hours after power failure (13) Weight: 50kg (14) Configuration: portable box 1 settechnical feature
Software indicators
(1) Report form: Generate excel spreadsheet permanently; distinguish color display for different alarm types; (2) Report content: the system will automatically generate a detection report, which includes pedestrian, baggage access passage time, exit passage time, radiation level, alarm type, alarm type, alarm level, passing speed, background radiation level, alarm threshold, sensitive nuclear material and other information; (3) Count display mode: digital display combined with real-time waveform display; (4) Field control: allow authorized personnel to enter conclusions on each inspection result; (5) Database: users can make keyword queries; (6) Administrative permission: the authorized account can enter the background expert mode. (7) Detection mode: infrared reflection sensorSystemic indicators
(1) The equipment meets the requirements of the national standard: “Radioactive Materials and Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring System GBT24246-2009”, for the portal pedestrian monitoring system; (2) Sensitivity consistency: a 30% change in sensitivity in the height direction of the monitoring area; (3) Detection probability: greater than or equal to 99.9% (137Cs); (4) False alarm rate: less than 0.1 ‰ (one in ten thousand); (5) Measurement height: 0.1m〜2.0m; recommended measurement width: 1.0m〜1.5m. (6) Database: users can make keyword queries; (7) Administrative permission: the authorized account can enter the background expert mode. (8) Detection mode: infrared reflection sensor