Exposures, Smartphones, Emergency Dosimeters, Radiological or Nuclear Mass-Casualty Incidents, ORAU, Oklahoma State University.In today's world, we are surrounded by various electronic gadgets and devices equipped with advanced sensors and features. Smartphones are one such device that most people carry with them every day. These smartphones can be used for various applications and as a result, have become an essential tool in our daily lives. But have you ever considered how these devices can be used for emergency situations? ORAU, in partnership with Oklahoma State University, is exploring the possibility of using smartphones as personal emergency dosimeters to measure radiation exposure levels in case of radiological or nuclear mass-casualty incidents.Radiological or nuclear mass-casualty incidents pose a significant threat to public health and safety. In such events, radiation exposure can be a major concern. The most common method of measuring radiation exposure is using a dosimeter. Dosimeters are used by radiation workers to measure the amount of radiation they are exposed to regularly. However, dosimeters are expensive and not readily available to the general public. In the case of an emergency, having access to a personal dosimeter can be crucial for determining radiation exposure levels and taking necessary precautions to reduce exposure.This is where smartphones could come in handy. Smartphones have the capability to detect ionizing radiation using their built-in sensors. Ionizing radiation is the type of radiation that can ionize atoms or molecules, resulting in the formation of charged particles. These charged particles can cause damage to cells or tissues, leading to radiation sickness or cancer. Smartphones can detect this ionizing radiation through specialized apps that exploit smartphone sensors such as the camera or accelerometer.Currently, there are several smartphone apps available for measuring radiation exposure levels. However, their accuracy and reliability are still being tested and validated. ORAU and Oklahoma State University are conducting research to validate the use of smartphones as personal emergency dosimeters. The goal is to create a low-cost, easy-to-use tool that can provide accurate and reliable measurements of radiation exposure levels in emergency situations.The research involves exposing smartphones to different levels of radiation and comparing the results with those obtained using traditional dosimeters. The researchers are also investigating the effects of smartphone temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors that may affect their performance. The initial results look promising, and studies have shown that certain smartphone models can provide accurate measurements of radiation exposure levels.If the research is successful, smartphones could become an essential tool for measuring radiation exposure levels in emergency situations. The use of smartphones as personal dosimeters would allow the general public to have access to radiation exposure measurements, enabling them to take necessary precautions to reduce exposure. The availability of such a tool could be crucial in the event of a radiological or nuclear mass-casualty incident. It could also be a useful addition to emergency preparedness kits that people keep in their homes or workplaces.In conclusion, the use of smartphones as personal emergency dosimeters to measure radiation exposure levels is an exciting development in the field of radiation safety. If validated, this technology could become an essential tool for people to assess their exposure to radiation and take necessary precautions. It is a great example of how technology can be used to improve public health and safety. As the research continues, we look forward to seeing more advancements in the use of smartphones as tools to measure radiation exposures.
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